What should I do if my builder goes AWOL?
Here is a great article by myhouseextension,ie about what are your options if a builder goes awol. My Neighbors Experience I was sitting...

How many days prior to starting the development am I required to submit a Commencement Notice?
You must submit a Commencement notice between 14 - 28 days before starting works, informing the Building Authority of your intended start...

Will the building owner or a person so authorised sign the statutory declaration in respect of works
This is a matter between the building owner and the builder/professional engaged by the building owner.

What is the Fee for a Commencement Notice?
The fee is €30 per unit

What is a Regularisation Certificate?
A certificate granted by a building control authority in respect of works on non-domestic buildings and apartments blocks which were ...

What does a 'new or greater contravention' of the Building Regulations mean?
Material alterations or Extensions should not give rise to any ‘new or greater contravention’ in the existing building. That is, a...

Is there a fee for a Regularisation Certificate?
The fee is €500 which is four times the fee for a Fire Safety Certificate or €11.60 per square metre of floor area, whichever is ...

Do I require a Final Grant of Planning Permission before I submit my Commencement Notice?
Yes. Final Grant is required before a commencement notice can be submitted.

Can I still submit a paper copy of a Commencement Notice?
No. Paper copies are no longer accepted. All forms must now be submitted electronically via the Building Control Management System (BCMS)...

Can a solicitor sign a statutory declaration as a Commissioner of Oaths?
Yes, when s/he is also a Commissioner of Oaths. However, a solicitor shall not exercise these powers in any proceedings in which he is ...