How long do the public have to lodge objections to additional information.
Use our Planning Deadline Calendar to calculate the last date for making an objection. In accordance with Article 35 of the Planning and...

If I wish to make an objection to a Planning Application, when can I do so?
Use our Planning Deadline Calendar to calculate the last date for making an objection. Submissions/observations must be made within 5...

How long does an applicant have to lodge additional information?
6 months. From 31/03/2003 an additional 3 months can be granted where agreed.

Is permission needed for a crèche childcare facility?
Yes, unless the number of children, including carers is not more than 6 and caring is in carers own house.

Can I erect a T.V. antenna on my roof without permission?
Yes. The height of the antenna shall be no more than 6m above the roof. Note: These notes are for guidance only. The relevant Planning...

Can I erect a Satellite Dish without permission?
Yes provided that: Only 1 per house. Max. Diameter 1 metre. Not to be erected on, or forward to the front wall of the house. Not to be...

Can I demolish a habitable home without permission?
No, you can demolish part of a habitable home to provide a domestic extension.

Can I convert 2 or more dwelling to use as a single dwelling without permission?
Yes. But only if the structure was previously used as a single dwelling. e.g. a house which was used as a single dwelling when built, ...

What height can I build my extension without permission?
The highest point to which the wall of an exempt extension can be built is eaves level. If the proposed extension has a flat roof, it...