What is a Declaration of Exemption?
If a query arises as to whether a proposal requires Planning Permission or whether it is exempted development, a submission may be...

What type of building does the term Occasional Use apply to?
Occasional use for recreational, social purposes of any school, hall, club, art gallery, museum, library, reading room, gym or structures...

Does the Council need permission to do its own work?
No, not in the normal way, but, is subject to the consultation procedures contained in Part VIII of the 2001 Planning Regulations as ...

Can I paint my house without permission?
Yes, except for a mural and providing the house is not a Protected Structure. (Page 159, Class 12)

Does a For Sale sign on a dwelling need permission?
No, subject to:max area of 0.6sqm in case of a house/letting max area 1.2sqm in case of any other structure/land. Not more than 1 sign. ...

Can I erect a roadside shrine without permission?
Yes, subject to maximum area of 2sqm, max height is 2m above the centre of the road opposite, and it is not lit.

Can I build a tennis court without permission?
Strictly speaking, yes, to the rear. However, the provision of lighting and fencing over 2m would not be exempted. The 1 metre ...

Can I build a pond, path, decking or landscaping works without permission?
Yes. Provided that the ground level not be altered by more than 1 metre above or below the level of adjoining ground. Alteration of...

Can I build walls around my house without planning permission?
Yes, subject to: Not more than 2m high to the rear. Not more than 1.2 metres to the front or forward of the front of the house. (Page...