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Links to useful websites
The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyorswww.rics.org
The Irish Planning Institutewww.irishplanninginstitute.ie
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Irelandwww.riai.ie
The Institute of Engineers of Irelandwww.engineersireland.ie
The Construction Industry Federationwww.cif.ie
Chartered Institution of Arbitratorswww.arbitrators.org
The Construction Industry Register Irelandwww.ciri.ie
Chartered Institute of Buildingwww.ciob.org.uk
The Health and Safety Authoritywww.hsa.ie
Government Tenderswww.etenders.gov.ie
Government Procurementwww.procurement.ie
Government Contracts and Documentswww.constructionprocurement.gov.ie
Office of Public Workswww.opw.ie
Department of the Environmentwww.environ.ie
Department of Education and Skillswww.education.ie
Department of Financewww.finance.gov.ie
Irish Georgian Societywww.igs.ie