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Understanding an extension of time (EOT) claim in the construction industry.

Proof of claim by <a href="">Nick Youngson</a> <a rel="license" href="">CC BY-SA 3.0</a> <a href="">Pix4free</a>

An extension of time (EOT) claim in the construction industry is a request for additional time to complete a project beyond the original contract completion date. This can be due to various reasons, such as delays caused by the owner, unexpected site conditions, or changes to the scope of work. Here is a quick guide to EOT claims in the construction industry:

  1. Document the delay: It is important to document the cause of the delay and the impact it has had on the project schedule. This may include photos, emails, and other written communication.

  2. Notify the owner: The contractor should notify the owner in writing of the delay and the impact it has had on the project schedule. This should be done as soon as the delay occurs, as some contracts have strict notice requirements.

  3. Calculate the impact: The contractor should calculate the impact of the delay on the project schedule and the additional time and cost required to complete the project. This may require the use of delay analysis techniques, such as as-planned vs. as-built analysis or a critical path analysis.

  4. Prepare the EOT claim: The contractor should prepare a written EOT claim, outlining the details of the delay, the impact on the project schedule, and the additional time and cost required to complete the project.

  5. Negotiate with the owner: The contractor should negotiate with the owner to agree on the additional time and cost required to complete the project. This may involve meetings and the submission of additional documentation.

  6. Resolve disputes: If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the dispute may need to be resolved through mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

It is important to note that EOT claims can be complex and may require the involvement of legal counsel. It is recommended that contractors seek legal advice when preparing and negotiating an EOT claim.


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